A dental implant is an artificial tooth root replacement fixed in the jaw.
It is made of titanium and shaped like a screw. According to the needs, a ceramic crown (artificial tooth) can be placed on the implant, or the implant can be used with other implants or teeth to support a bridge or a removable prosthesis.
Causes of tooth missing
- Trauma
- Caries or periodontal gum disease (periodontitis)
- Dental agenesis (congenitaly missing tooth)
Dental implant benefits:
- Dental implant is the most nature like solution.
- Dental implants reduce shrinkage of patient jawbone
- Tooth saving: no need to sacrifice the quality of adjacent teeth like a bridge does (no devitalizing, no carving).
- No need to wear a removable denture.
1st step
Examination of the missing tooth area.
2nd step
Dental implant placement in the bone. A provisional crown can be simultaneously placed on the implant (if technically possible).
3rd step
After implant osseointegration (3-6 months), a ceramic crown is definitely fixed on.